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Profile - Work in Progress

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  • Profile - Work in Progress

    Hi All,

    So, I've been working on a profile for X4. I started this as soon as the game was released and I keep tweaking it. I do have Alix for X4, but a lot of the commands don't work or work poorly. So, I'd like to share my profile here. Everything works as intended. However, please note that I am using a Thrustmaster T-Flight HOTAS X so some commands (like changing weapon groups and a couple of targeting commands are bound to the HOTAS buttons. I received assistance on the Voice Attack forum with getting the HOTAS POV Hat programmed to look around since that feature is broken in X4.

    Also note that since the sounds for Alix are still a little slim, I'm using some of Verity's sounds as fillers.

    With Alix, I could never get the deploy Civilian/Military command to work. Also, I could not get the SETA command to work. I wrote new commands and they seem to work well. I also figured out how to get the "Scan Ship" command to work properly, though it does depend on the screen resolution since it actually manipulates the mouse cursor.

    There are some things in there that have no obvious use. I use MODS and I have commands for those as well (like the numbers under the Miscellanous section).

    You are welcome to use any of these commands, if they can help you, with my permission.


  • #2
    We do have a profile for X4 already


    • Gard
      Gard commented
      Editing a comment
      Error 404.
      There's an x4 beta profile available in my voiceattack that appears to have been installed as part of something else (I have many HCS packs, none specific to x4 though.) I was hoping to use it as a springboard of sorts to make my own x4 profile.

  • #3
    Yes, I know, but some of the commands don't work. I have never been able to get SETA, deploy Civilian and Deploy Military to work at all. Also, there are commands in mine that you don't have at all. The POV Hat to look around is one example, as well as the command to scan a targeted ship. Like I said, the commands I created are works in progress and need tweaking to get completely correct. Maybe you could take a look at what I've done and see if you can do it better. I am just a novice at this, after all.

