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Custom Command Corner

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  • Custom Command Corner

    Hello Everyone,

    I picked up the A.S.T.R.A. voice pack and custom options yesterday. Loving it so far. The HOTAS full house beta profile has a lot of commands that don't work for me, that I really like. This made me start looking at creating my own.

    I thought it would be nice for us to have a place to share some of the custom commands we put time into, so other people can enjoy them too. I have a few so far, nothing crazy really.

    -The first is docking request-

    I tried importing the one from the beta profile and it did not work. Here are the lines of code I used.

    All credit to BookSC for this one, found it on forums (

    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\take off and landing\docking request code sent stand by.mp3'
    Press 1 key and hold for 0.3 seconds and release
    Pause 0.1 seconds
    Press E key and hold for 0.3 seconds and release
    Pause 0.1 seconds
    Press E key and hold for 0.3 seconds and release
    Pause 0.1 seconds
    Press Space key and hold for 0.3 seconds and release
    Pause 0.1 seconds
    Press S key and hold for 0.3 seconds and release
    Pause 0.1 seconds
    Press Space key and hold for 0.3 seconds and release
    Pause 0.1 seconds
    Press Q key and hold for 0.3 seconds and release
    Pause 0.1 seconds
    Press Q key and hold for 0.3 seconds and release
    Pause 0.1 seconds
    Press 1 key and hold for 0.3 seconds and release
    Pause 2 seconds
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\take off and landing\docking alloaction and pad received.mp3'

    -Next is launch-
    Now this is for inside the hanger. which takes longer. (I set thrust up as F2)
    The downfall to this right now is that it's contingent on you having Starport Services highlighted on your hud. (In the early stages, still working out all the commands and how to use them).

    I tried importing the one from the beta profile as well and of course it did not work.

    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\take off and landing\affirmative stand by.mp3'
    Pause 3 seconds
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\take off and landing\pre launch diags.mp3'
    Pause 2 seconds
    Press F4 key and hold for 0.2 seconds and release
    Pause 2 seconds
    Press S key and hold for 0.2 seconds and release
    Pause 0.5 seconds
    Press S key and hold for 0.2 seconds and release
    Pause 0.5 seconds
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\take off and landing\standby for launch.mp3'
    Pause 1 second
    Press Space key and hold for 0.2 seconds and release
    Pause 25 seconds
    Press F2 key and hold for 3 seconds and release
    Pause 0.5 seconds
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\take off and landing\prepping thrusters for main burn.mp3'
    Pause 4 seconds
    Execute command, '((25%))' (and wait until it completes)
    Pause 2 seconds
    Execute command, '((Landing Gear))' (and wait until it completes)
    Pause 0.5 seconds
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\take off and landing\gear coming up.mp3'
    Pause 3 seconds
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\take off and landing\Handing you the con.mp3'

    -Last for now is quick launch-
    This is for outside the hanger. which is shorter (I set thrust up as F2)
    Also contingent on you having Starport Services highlighted on your hud.

    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\take off and landing\affirmative stand by.mp3'
    Pause 3 seconds
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\take off and landing\pre launch diags.mp3'
    Pause 2 seconds
    Press F4 key and hold for 0.2 seconds and release
    Pause 2 seconds
    Press S key and hold for 0.2 seconds and release
    Pause 0.5 seconds
    Press S key and hold for 0.2 seconds and release
    Pause 0.5 seconds
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\take off and landing\standby for launch.mp3'
    Pause 1 second
    Press Space key and hold for 0.2 seconds and release
    Pause 15 seconds
    Press F2 key and hold for 3 seconds and release
    Pause 0.5 seconds
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\take off and landing\prepping thrusters for main burn.mp3'
    Pause 4 seconds
    Execute command, '((25%))' (and wait until it completes)
    Pause 2 seconds
    Execute command, '((Landing Gear))' (and wait until it completes)
    Pause 0.5 seconds
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\take off and landing\gear coming up.mp3'
    Pause 3 seconds
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\take off and landing\Handing you the con.mp3'

    Now I am very new to this and I'm sure I made them longer and/or more complicated than I had to. Please feel free to use them, improve upon them, and re-post/update for all to see and use.

    I hope other people will use this thread to share their ideas as welll!

    Last edited by Fuzzymelons; 25 November 2015, 04:31 PM.

  • #2
    -Ask for Astra-
    I went through and gathered as many of the responses for asking for her as I could and set them on random variables of 1-23. This makes it more life like as you will get a somewhat random reply

    Set small int (condition) [randomsoundvariable] value as random from 1 to 23
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 1
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\rank\commander\Commander 2.mp3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 2
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\rank\commander\Commander.mp3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 3
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\rank\commander\yes commander 2.mp3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 4
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\rank\commander\yes commander.mp3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 5
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\rank\sir\Greetings sir.mp3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 6
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\rank\sir\Sir 2.mp3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 7
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\rank\sir\Sir what are your orders.mp3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 8
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\rank\sir\Sir.mp3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 9
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\rank\sir\want something sir.mp3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 10
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\rank\sir\yes sir 2.mp3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 11
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\rank\sir\yes sir.mp3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 12
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\role\already on.mp3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 13
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\role\do you need me.mp3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 14
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\role\feeling alright.mp3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 15
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\role\good morning.mp3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 16
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\role\good evening.mp3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 17
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\role\hello.mp3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 18
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\role\what can i do.mp3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 19
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\acknowledgements\I'm here 2.mp3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 20
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\acknowledgements\i'm here.mp3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 21
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\acknowledgements\ 3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 22
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\acknowledgements\Yes 2.mp3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met
    Begin Small Integer Compare : [randomsoundvariable] Equals 23
    Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\hcspack\acknowledgements\yes.mp3'
    End Condition - Exit when condition met



    • #3
      Just curious as to why the docking request wasn't working.

      With the beta profiles each and every time you log into the game you have to initialise some variables. This can be done with the following commands:

      IF DOCKED: "Reset all systems;Run diagnostics;Check all systems;All systems check;Full diagnostic scan;Initiate diagnostic scan;Prepare all on board systems" (or press F3)

      IF IN SPACE: "Reset Panels;System checks;Check systems;System scan;Check onboard flight systems;Software debugging;Run software debugging;There's a ghost in the machine, hunt it down" (or press F4)

      We do also supply binds for a wide range of hardware, which helps the setting up process, but Voice Attack itself expects the following keybinds:

      In Game Keybind Name Keybind needed:
      Increase Throttle W
      Decrease Throttle S
      Set Speed to -100% - (Numpad Subtract)
      Set Speed to -75% Numpad 9
      Set Speed to -50% Numpad 8
      Set Speed to -25% Numpad 7
      Set Speed to 0% X
      Set Speed to 25% Numpad 1
      Set Speed to 50% Numpad 2
      Set Speed to 75% Numpad 3
      Set Speed to 100% + (Numpad Add)
      Disable Flight Assist Z
      Engine Boost Tab
      Enable Frame Shift Drive J
      Enable Frame Shift Drive to Supercruise NumPad Divide
      Select Target Ahead T
      Cycle Next Ship G
      Cycle Previous Ship B
      Cycle Next Hostile Ship H
      Cycle Previous Hostile Ship N
      Select Wingman 1 8
      Select Wingman 2 9
      Select Wingman 3 0
      Select Wingman's Target Right Ctrl
      Wingman Nav-Lock Right Shift
      Cycle Next Subsystem I (letter i not L)
      Cycle Previous Subsystem K
      Target Next System In Route M
      Cycle Next Fire Group . (full stop)
      Cycle Previous Fire Group , (comma)
      Deploy Hardpoints U
      Silent Running Delete
      Deploy Heat Sink V
      Increase Sensor Zoom Page Up
      Decrease Sensor Zoom Page Down
      Divert Power To Engines Up Arrow
      Divert Power To Weapons Right Arrow
      Divert Power To Systems Left Arrow
      Balance Power Distribution Down Arrow
      Reset Occulus Orientation F12
      Cargo Scoop Home
      Landing Gear L
      Use Shield Cell #
      Use Chaff Launcher C
      Debug Camera Toggle F1
      UI Focus Left Shift
      Target Panel 1
      Comms Panel 2
      Quick Comms Enter
      Sensors Panel 3
      Systems Panel 4
      Open Galaxy Map /
      Open System Map ;
      Game Menu P
      UI Panel Up W
      UI Panel Down S
      UI Panel Left A
      UI Panel Right D
      UI Panel Select Space Bar
      UI Back Backspace
      Next Panel Tab E
      Previous Panel Tab Q

      So if your keyboard presses are different to this you have one of two route:

      1) Change the keybind in Elite Dangerous to match what voice attack is using.

      2) Change the relevant keybind command in voice attack (they are in the keybinds category) to what the key press should be.

      The advantage that ours have is that (although the panel tracking can break[1]... but that is another matter, and requires some user setup) is that it doesn't matter which panel tab you are on, it will move it the correct amount needed to request docking.

      [1] This happens when you use the joystick/gamepad to toggle tabs in the nav panel. We only track via keyboard press/voice command. There is no real "easy" method to resolve this one (although I can think of a couple of methods, which can potentially work)
      1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
      2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
      3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
      4) Never tell Gangrel to do anything... he will probably get it wrong
      WARNING! Swedish wall-of-text hits you for bork-bork-bork damage!


      • #4
        Thank you for the input, I will go through everything and double check it. It is possible I do not have all the necessary key bindings and that is why.



        • #5
          I dont know if it will help but. you could try resetting the in game keybinding to default.
          Then check out the HCS voice pack youtube as there was a video recently posted on how to set up keybinds for joysticks/hotas using the voice packs.
          That may well be the easiest way.
          Its an option anyway
          Commanding a starship is your first, best, destiny. Anything else is a waste of material


          • #6
            i got the problem that Jazz and Astra wont speek randomly, When i said the Command VA shows it but nothing happend. i use the hcs xbox 360 binds.
            Any suggestions?
            Best BookSC


            • #7
              When you say the command do you get her saying "I am around" initially? That is the starting point saying "yep it is working" basically.

              After that, it is then 180 seconds before she then pipes up again (and waits for a response telling her to carry on) and then every 999 seconds afterwards. If you alt tab out though, it can break it. The breaking is a *fault* inside Voice Attack with how continuous commands works.

              You also need to ensure that the "send commands to" window is set to "Active window" and not specifically to a process window.
              1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
              2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
              3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
              4) Never tell Gangrel to do anything... he will probably get it wrong
              WARNING! Swedish wall-of-text hits you for bork-bork-bork damage!


              • #8
                but she didnt say i am around only the command shows in VA. VA is set for Active Window.

                Best BookSC

                btw. will there be a bundle black friday sale i need some other packs also
                Last edited by BookSC; 26 November 2015, 12:49 PM.


                • #9
                  If you are using the beta profile: Remember to initialise the pack each and every time you load into the game
                  1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
                  2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
                  3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
                  4) Never tell Gangrel to do anything... he will probably get it wrong
                  WARNING! Swedish wall-of-text hits you for bork-bork-bork damage!


                  • #10
                    Hi Gangrel,
                    i didnt use the beta profiles. i use the normal Basic full profiles. I got Jazz and ASTRA atm and i got 2 folders calles hcspack and hcspack-jazz in my VA Folder. i do not change the path or anything while installed.

                    Best BookSC


                    • #11

                      The easy way to fix this for ASTRA (possible jazz i dont have jazz)
                      Open voice attack and the profile you are using (basic full house in your case for astra)
                      Go to edit.
                      Select import commands
                      Choose the beta full hose profile for the corresponding pack - ASTRA beta full house for ASTRA.
                      Click select none.
                      Search for the command "reset all systems" and select it.
                      Click Import.

                      Now once you have done that, speak the command Reset all systems.(probabbly wont hear anything and maybe see an error in voice attack window, ignore it)
                      Then speak the command "interaction mode on"

                      You should hear a response and then later you will get the random stuff

                      There is a harder method to fix this, but if all you want is teh interaction mode working this will do and take hardly any time at all.

                      Try the same with Jazz (though i cant guarantee it will work as i dont have Jazz)
                      Commanding a starship is your first, best, destiny. Anything else is a waste of material


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BookSC View Post
                        Hi Gangrel,
                        i didnt use the beta profiles. i use the normal Basic full profiles. I got Jazz and ASTRA atm and i got 2 folders calles hcspack and hcspack-jazz in my VA Folder. i do not change the path or anything while installed.

                        Best BookSC

                        Fair enough, it was just a quick think seeing as this thread was about beta profiles, so I thought it might have been related.

                        The command that you are speaking to start up the interaction mode is "Interaction mode on" correct?
                        1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
                        2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
                        3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
                        4) Never tell Gangrel to do anything... he will probably get it wrong
                        WARNING! Swedish wall-of-text hits you for bork-bork-bork damage!


                        • #13
                          i tried different Commands like, Astra speek freely and Interaction mode on and many others in the profile no response.

                          Best BookSC

                          Sry for my poor English i am just a german sausage notcher so be patient with me


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BookSC View Post
                            i tried different Commands like, Astra speek freely and Interaction mode on and many others in the profile no response.

                            Best BookSC

                            Sry for my poor English i am just a german sausage notcher so be patient with me

                            Its ok for the english. I can cope.

                            "Interaction mode on" is the first command that you need to say to get it started. And only that one.

                            The other commands ("Okay go ahead; Go on please; Yes I’m listening; You have my attention;Yes go ahead;Yes Astra go ahead;You may speak freely;Of course Astra;Of course, continue") are for when she says something like "I have something I want to say". so that is the trigger for her to carry on. This is so she doesn't randomly say a long phrase whilst you are in combat.

                            Are you actually getting ANY audio play back from any of her commands (for example "Deploy scoop" or "Deploy Hardpoints"). Just curious, as it can help me narrow down what the issue might be. It might not actually be the profile itself.
                            1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
                            2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
                            3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
                            4) Never tell Gangrel to do anything... he will probably get it wrong
                            WARNING! Swedish wall-of-text hits you for bork-bork-bork damage!


                            • #15
                              all other commands are functional and perfect working except this one
                              Best BookSC

                              maybe Jazz is upset that i boght astra afterwards
                              Last edited by BookSC; 26 November 2015, 04:19 PM.

