After looking at AD_ASTRA's configuration window in the customiser, the options resemble the options in EDDI's application.
Now, it appears to me that the AD-ASTRA beta wants to provide the same information as EDDI, but being built and provided by HCS.
That's great. AD_ASTRA seems to contain the same AI that EDDI has, but providing it with an HCS Voice of ASTRA.
So, I suggest that AD-ASTRA be renamed to "HCS VOICE AI" and include all the logic and AI which it now has, but have the option of having that logic and AI delivered to a "User Chosen VoicePack" for which the user owns and wants to use. To be clear, use only the logic and AI from AD-ASTRA to drive the additional voice commands of a user chosen voicepack.
Then, in the "AD-ASTRA/HCS VOICE AI" window in the customizer, you can set all the commands and options provided, but then choose to have the logic and AI drive the HCS VoicePack ARCHER, or any other HCS VoicePack Voice.
So, in conclusion, The "AD-ASTRA/HCS VOICE AI" is only an informational logic and AI add-in which will drive any HCS VoicePack chosen by the user and provide all the information AD-ASTRA now provides, but without the voice of ASTRA which would be replaced by a "User chosen HCS VoicePack"
There are many reasons to do this. It eliminates the ASTRA voice from the current project and allows the user to select a voice he or she already owns. It provides logic, information and AI to any HCS VoicePack without the need to update or include additional commands to every HCS Voicepack. You (HCS) just update the "HCS VOICE AI" to make each HCS Voicepack smarter and more intuitive.
This is my vision of what HCS AD-ASTRA is trying to do for Elite, but without the need to use ASTRA's voice, giving the user the choice of a voicepack and making each voicepack offered by HCS more useful without the need to update each voicepack and making all of them smarter and more intuitive.
AD-ASTRA is just a beta in it's earliest revision. Take the ASTRA voice out and use the information, logic and AI it now offers to be useful in all HCS Voicepacks.
You open customiser, choose "HCS VOICE AI" and configure it to add the information, logic and AI to "HCS VoicePack (Name)" and then that (named) Voicepack is now what AD_ASTRA is today.
Best wishes...
After looking at AD_ASTRA's configuration window in the customiser, the options resemble the options in EDDI's application.
Now, it appears to me that the AD-ASTRA beta wants to provide the same information as EDDI, but being built and provided by HCS.
That's great. AD_ASTRA seems to contain the same AI that EDDI has, but providing it with an HCS Voice of ASTRA.
So, I suggest that AD-ASTRA be renamed to "HCS VOICE AI" and include all the logic and AI which it now has, but have the option of having that logic and AI delivered to a "User Chosen VoicePack" for which the user owns and wants to use. To be clear, use only the logic and AI from AD-ASTRA to drive the additional voice commands of a user chosen voicepack.
Then, in the "AD-ASTRA/HCS VOICE AI" window in the customizer, you can set all the commands and options provided, but then choose to have the logic and AI drive the HCS VoicePack ARCHER, or any other HCS VoicePack Voice.
So, in conclusion, The "AD-ASTRA/HCS VOICE AI" is only an informational logic and AI add-in which will drive any HCS VoicePack chosen by the user and provide all the information AD-ASTRA now provides, but without the voice of ASTRA which would be replaced by a "User chosen HCS VoicePack"
There are many reasons to do this. It eliminates the ASTRA voice from the current project and allows the user to select a voice he or she already owns. It provides logic, information and AI to any HCS VoicePack without the need to update or include additional commands to every HCS Voicepack. You (HCS) just update the "HCS VOICE AI" to make each HCS Voicepack smarter and more intuitive.
This is my vision of what HCS AD-ASTRA is trying to do for Elite, but without the need to use ASTRA's voice, giving the user the choice of a voicepack and making each voicepack offered by HCS more useful without the need to update each voicepack and making all of them smarter and more intuitive.
AD-ASTRA is just a beta in it's earliest revision. Take the ASTRA voice out and use the information, logic and AI it now offers to be useful in all HCS Voicepacks.
You open customiser, choose "HCS VOICE AI" and configure it to add the information, logic and AI to "HCS VoicePack (Name)" and then that (named) Voicepack is now what AD_ASTRA is today.
Best wishes...