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talking at the same time as docking information

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  • talking at the same time as docking information

    Have searched the forum so wonder if it is only my problem.
    When I get the station information about my docking ad-astra is talking over it telling me where the bay is in the station so it is difficult to make out both
    bits of information.
    I do use the advanced docking computer.

  • #2
    Disclaimer, this is most likely not a recommended way to work with HCS Voicepacks!

    I solved this by modifying the sound files to add 5 seconds of silence in the beginning. I have only tested the files on one station yet, as I'm out exploring with no other stations available, so you might need to extend the silence for longer. In my test AD-Astras information came in quite beautifully after the flight control message.

    The files are in <VoiceAttack folder>\Sounds\hcspack-ADASTRA\Profile sounds\Docking\Direct Play and I modified "Your landing pad will be.mp3" for verbosity level 1 and 2 and the file "With the green docking lights to your right.mp3" for verbosity level 3.

    For modifying I used Audacity and learned from a Youtube video how to add silence in the beginning.

    Maybe these files will be overwritten on an upgrade, so I saved copies in a "safe" place. Don't know if other commands are affected by these changed files.


    • #3
      Any command that calls upon those sound files would be affected by your change here. And yes, an upgrade to the profile / sound files would overwrite your changes.

      But I thought that we had made changes since the original post here to stop AD-ASTRA (and other packs) from talking over each other... (we are aware of "stars and planets" feature needs to be rewritten so that it doesn't talk over itself... but that is unrelated to this specific issue).

      1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
      2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
      3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
      4) Never tell Gangrel to do anything... he will probably get it wrong
      WARNING! Swedish wall-of-text hits you for bork-bork-bork damage!

