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Reinstall / Reset AD-Astra

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  • #16
    It goes *purely* off the journal files for AD-ASTRA
    1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
    2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
    3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
    4) Never tell Gangrel to do anything... he will probably get it wrong
    WARNING! Swedish wall-of-text hits you for bork-bork-bork damage!


    • #17
      I compared the files under Saved Games between the two computers that run ED and VA (I have one in a theater room and one in my office) the one in my office works. On the computer that doesn't work I am missing the files named "Journal38880124.cache" "Outfitting.json" and "Shipyard.json" I checked the original Saved Games folder that you had be back up before deleting the files and I have all the files that I am missing from the current Saved Games folder except for the "Journal38880124.cache" So to sum up, I am missing the same file in the original Saved Games folder when AD-ASTRA wasn't working and in the new Saved Games folder where AD-ASTRA still doesn't work. Is this the file that I need to make this work? If so, I can copy it from my working Office computer over to the broken one.


      • #18
        Outfitting and shipyard should be created / updated by the game as when you access them on your machine.

        The *cache file we do not touch *as far as I am aware*
        1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
        2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
        3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
        4) Never tell Gangrel to do anything... he will probably get it wrong
        WARNING! Swedish wall-of-text hits you for bork-bork-bork damage!


        • #19
          1. Set the Exploration page in AD-ASTRA to the default, which check marks almost everything.
          2. Removed the application from Add Remove Programs and restarted.
          3. Reinstalled AD-Astra, ran the updates etc. and left everything on the exploration page checked.
          4. Opened Odyssey and found a system with Ice worlds, Ice planets, High Metal Content Worlds, Terraforming bodies etc.
          5. AD-ASTRA read every one of them off, even the terraforming bodies, to the point she was stepping all over herself trying to say them all.
          6. I opened Customizer and un-checked everything except the terraforming bodies.
          7. I found a system with two High Metal Terraforming worlds and two terraforming worlds and when I scanned them using the System scanner, I got nothing.
          8. I selected the bodies next to the terraforming bodies, went back into the game and found other systems with the different bodies that I had check marked and still, nothing.

          I can't have everything checked; I will go out of my mind! Any help would be appreciated.


          • #20
            I am at a loss if it is working for you on one machine and not another (You state that it works on your computer in the Theatre room correctly) whilst it *doesn't* work in the Office computer... this is of course assuming that the settings in AD-ASTRA / HCS Customiser are the same between the two machines
            1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
            2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
            3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
            4) Never tell Gangrel to do anything... he will probably get it wrong
            WARNING! Swedish wall-of-text hits you for bork-bork-bork damage!


            • #21
              It works on the office computer, but I didn't remove/reinstall VA like I did on the theater room. The theater room is VR only and it is the main computer I use to play ED. I am just trying to understand what file the AD-ASTRA Exploration page is accessing when calling out the terraforming worlds or why I can select everything and it works, but it won't work when selecting individual bodies. This all started with a memory drain issue with Steam, ED and VA would consume every bit of memory and then shutdown the programs. That problem went away after a couple of fixes from Steam, but I went ahead and did a fresh install of Windows anyway. I have always started with VA, HCS Tools and then install the voice packs, this last time VA was throwing a lot of Speech Runtime errors, so I reinstalled it (I don't remember if I removed it or not first) and since then the calling out of the planet bodies hasn't worked. When I get a chance I will remove everything, delete the folders files and registry entries and try again.


              • #22
                Ok, so I got the order between the two pc systems wrong, but that is neither here nor there really... AD-ASTRA gets its information *regarding what you have scanned* from the journal files.

                There is a network requirement needed for the "plot course to my nearest <system / station with X functionality>" but that is something different.

                So I honestly cannot see as to *why* it is working on one machine and not the other, although this is *assuming* that the settings for AD-ASTRA *are the same* between the two machines. Are the settings for AD-ASTRA and what it is meant to be reporting the same between the two machines or is there a difference in them?
                1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
                2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
                3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
                4) Never tell Gangrel to do anything... he will probably get it wrong
                WARNING! Swedish wall-of-text hits you for bork-bork-bork damage!


                • #23
                  I wasn't correcting you, I just letting you know which one didn't work. Both machines worked until I removed/reinstalled VA on the VR computer. I removed VA and all of the voice packs and deleted any reference to VA and HCS from the registry. I reinstalled each application and went into the customizer to check for updates after each install. It looks like any setting I have checked has changed and the defaults have been applied. When I get home later I will find a terraforming body and see what happens. If it doesn't work after selecting only the bodies I want notified on then I will just move on and use ASTRA for other things and not renew my subscription next year. I appreciate all the help.


                  • #24
                    Just to confirm a few things though

                    1) You did the steps that I suggested in an earlier post on removing the journal / status json files on the affected machine (Post 10 in this thread) on the "Not working" machine?

                    2) The HCS settings on the "Working machine" and the "not working" machine are exactly the same both for the general HCS Customiser settings as well as the AD-ASTRA specific settings?

                    1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
                    2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
                    3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
                    4) Never tell Gangrel to do anything... he will probably get it wrong
                    WARNING! Swedish wall-of-text hits you for bork-bork-bork damage!


                    • #25
                      I backed up my Frontier Developments\Options folder to an external drive, deleted the Windows partition, installed Windows 11, Steam, ED, VA, and then HCS. Before running ED or VA I copied my Options folder over the new one that was created when I installed ED. I left the VA and HCS settings alone and started ED, found a system with several gas giants and ice worlds and AD-ASTRA would only call out the ice worlds and icy bodies, but none of the gas giants. I could not find a file that looked like a journal or log file in the ED Options directory, but I am not sure what to look for. After installing Steam I change the library to be my D: drive which has ED installed so I am thinking whatever file it's reading from has to be in either the Options or Steam games folder. Any thoughts?


                      • #26
                        Are the Journal files you mentioned only in the Saved Games folder?


                        • #27
                          They are only written in that location.
                          1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
                          2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
                          3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
                          4) Never tell Gangrel to do anything... he will probably get it wrong
                          WARNING! Swedish wall-of-text hits you for bork-bork-bork damage!


                          • #28
                            I was getting ready to completely remove ED and reinstall it from the Steam library when I found a file under C:\Users\artmc\AppData\Roaming\VoiceAttack\HCS VoicePacks named HCS Plugin and dated with the last time I played ED. I have included for your review - The errors state that HCS can't find files in the Saved Games folder and other errors. Does this file tell you anything?
                            Last edited by Artmck; 05 November 2022, 06:34 PM.


                            • #29
                              Here is the original file in txt format.
                              Attached Files


                              • #30
                                For faster support, I would actually recommend that you join our discord server ( ). Whilst I can do this via the forum, I find that is faster (overall) via discord, and I can ask for more information (and it will be easier for you to post there, and others may have some information / work arounds that I may not have thought of)

                                1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
                                2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
                                3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
                                4) Never tell Gangrel to do anything... he will probably get it wrong
                                WARNING! Swedish wall-of-text hits you for bork-bork-bork damage!

