I love the voice packs, but I was thinking of a way to add personality to the A.I. and make the relationship pilots have with the A.I., ASTRA for example, a little less wooden.

I think it would be HILARIOUS if we had an 'affirmations' folder where ASTRA could give us random pick me ups and pep talks. I'll link to some examples below (I would have ASTRA rephrase these to direct them at the pilot vs first person), but it would be amazing if I could train voice attack to play an affirmation when ever I am vocally upset about something as well (I have a habit of saying 'really??" or "c'mon!!")

My initial thought would be to focus to entrepreneurial/busiess goal setting witha few silly ones thrown in (i.e. you are a human BEING, not a human DOING).
