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K/M Flight Asssit , Key binds that VA uses

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  • K/M Flight Asssit , Key binds that VA uses

    When attempting to improve control using K/M with FA off , I realized that I would have to remap my keys , doing this, means conflicts with VA commands that use space bar , and left shift ( think there's one ) which is a lot

    Mouse Y axis: Pitch
    Mouse X axis: Yaw
    Q and E: Roll left and right.
    Mouse Thumb buttons: Forward and reverse thrust. Already bound Mouse 4 cycle targets good for seeing who's interdicting you & Mouse 5 is afterburner & using VA , no accidental misuse
    WASD: Lateral and vertical thrusters
    Relative mouse control ON
    Flight Assist off

    So for Forward and Reverse thrust this below was the best advice from fllavour for ED, who obviously can fly

    "Instead you might want to try thrusting forward/backwards with W/S and thrust up/down with left shift and space"

    Is there and easy way of changing all of the space keys , & left shift , to W & S , I hope so . lol

    I'm thinking that the "pause" mass update all , idea , can be used for mass update of "key binds" as well , of course if the .vap where modularize doing it individually would be easier
    Last edited by sutex; 21 March 2015, 11:20 PM.
    Morrowind Mod readme layout ,
    showing generation why ? what a readme is

  • #2
    Earlier this evening I created a guide for changing keybindings right here. That should help get you started - however, the Space Bar is used for most UI intereaction and I think Left Shift enables Mouse Look, so if you are changing these you will need to make sure they are matched up properly throughout your profile and in-game keybinds.

    As for an easy way to swap keys, the previously-mentioned guide is probably your best bet. As of yet, Voice Attack cannot 'mass-swap' keybindings, only alter the 'hold down' time via mass update. Hopefully Voice Attack will consider such a feature in the future!


    • #3
      It s all good , since i was trying out flight assist off with mouse , hehe , I decide to dust off my 3d pro joystick so , now I'm one of those , players , Stick is easier to play with ,when in FA off , than mouse and less of a problem for keys to be rearranged
      Morrowind Mod readme layout ,
      showing generation why ? what a readme is

