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Edit Voice Trigger Files and Add German Commands

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  • Edit Voice Trigger Files and Add German Commands


    i am new in HCS Voicepacks (German speaker, with poor english) and ordered some english Packs and in addition one german pack. I decided to buy the english packs, because i cant see, that the german packs will get a singularity update soon. because i have a german Windows 10 with trained german speech recognition, i had problems to get the english packs to work. and für me, it is too difficult (and i dont want) so say windows to use two speech engines. because i havent found a german voicetrigger-file (French is included but not german), i began to edit the english voicetrigger file (it is the same when i do this in the customizer, but for me it is faster to edit the .hcs file). For me it is OK, when i say german commands and get the response in english. Now i have some questions:

    - it is a lot of work to add for 100s upto 1000s commands german voice triggers. What will be happen, when an update of singularity will come? my custom voice trigger file will then not be up to date?? Must i do the work again to add 1000 german voicetriggers or can the old file be converted to the new version???
    - or it is better to make a custom command profile for german voicetriggers? For the first time i dont want to do this, because it is more work to make an entry for each command than edit the voicetrigger file.
    -are here german users, which have an additional profile or voicetrigger File für me??
    - will be a german voicetrigger file added to singularity? I think there are many german users who want this

    PLEASE: Add something for the users with german speech regognition (voicetrigger file or custom profile).
    I will be happy, if i can get an additional profile or a german voicetrigger file.

    Greetings from Germany
