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Can Horizons and Odyssey BINDS Files CoExist

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  • Can Horizons and Odyssey BINDS Files CoExist

    This Hypothesis relies upon Elite Dangerous, Voice Attack and HCS VoicePacks all playing nicely together. Partly observation, partly what’s been gleaned from a combination of all sites, partly from users questions, partly from ignorance in Borking my own Binds files. So, I'm posting this on all three message Boards hoping for Wisdom and perhaps collaboration betwixt all 3 Vendors instead of finger pointing and "it’s not us Gov"!

    We all know that changed VIDPID (USB Controller identification) can Bork a Binds File as soon as ED is loaded up. But it looks like HCS and VA may not play nicely either.

    As a point In Fact: Alterations in UI also create absolute mayhem for VA navigating through the sequence of Panels to reach the appropriate subject to keypress until they’ve been amended.
    Horizons requires and looks for MajorVersion = “3” in its associated .Binds Files now Odyssey looks for, or creates, MajorVersion = “4” for its usage.

    So taking all of that into account, I’ve created a VIRPHorizons.BINDS file (I’ve just upgraded to Virpil CM3 and Constellation Grip) The Binds File has MajorVersion = “3” in order to be properly recognised by ED started in Horizons via Steam. I’ve also remembered to include a Custom.3.BINDS file in order for HCS not to throw a wobbly. This is basically a VIRPHorizons File renamed and with second line changed to reflect the renaming. (apparently HCS reads the Custom File at startup) Should also be noted that my Startup File contains “VIRPHorizons” and so far Horizons is quite happy with that.

    I am in the process of creating a VIRPOdyssey Binds file utilising Cut and Paste via Notepad++. A kind Commander on the ED Forum dropped me a MajorVersion = “4” BINDS File to plunder through and use at will. All it really required was ALL Keyboard Commands inserted, I’m taking care of the rest. This should mean I’m Good To Go whenever I get around to being less chicken and fire up Odyssey (which I’ve already purchased)


    Reasons for choosing Horizons over Odyssey at this stage are irrelevant. It’s a matter of choice for me and maybe necessity for anyone who has not yet purchased the Odyssey DLC.
    In any event, will all Products recognise that Version 3 and Version 4 Binds Files are present and utilise the appropriate file set depending upon selection of Odyssey or Horizons without Borking anything they don’t like?

    If not, swapping in and out a complete collection of Version 3 or 4 each time I wish to change Horizons/Odyssey isn’t a major problem, just a pain in the ass.

  • #2
    I've been using both for some time now without too much difficulty.

    First - you are right - any hardware missing in a defined binds file will disable that file from being loaded within ED

    Second - EDH uses 3.0 - EDO uses 4.0 binds files respectively

    Third - StartPreset in the binds directory will change between EDH/EDO in that EDH will have only one entry (Custom - typically) whereas EDO will have 4 entries corresponding to the four section under the Options/Controls entries in EDO. General, Ship, SRV, and On Foot.

    You can pre-edit StartPreset before switching to load the proper control set, or Simply re-define the control binds you want to use from within either version of ED.


    EDIT: Also, VA will use a different profile for each version. Easily done from the VA panel. HCS - Singularity (Elite Odyssey) or the original "Elite Singularity."

    If you read the VA panel when it's loading it will prompt you to load the correct profile if you're not in sync.

    Last edited by GJ51; 12 August 2021, 03:30 PM.

