Got an "oops" here methinks. Updating Singularity for Odyssey My Version is reported as v3.12 Latest Version as v3.13; at startup every time for the last couple of days VA tells me there's an Update. I allow it to download the Update, Follow the Prompts....No Error Messages reported. If I close and restart VA...DejaVu.
Any thoughts on remedying this GroundHog Day?
Got an "oops" here methinks. Updating Singularity for Odyssey My Version is reported as v3.12 Latest Version as v3.13; at startup every time for the last couple of days VA tells me there's an Update. I allow it to download the Update, Follow the Prompts....No Error Messages reported. If I close and restart VA...DejaVu.
Any thoughts on remedying this GroundHog Day?