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Dark voice delayed.

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  • Dark voice delayed.

    After saying any command (what is your name, as an example) I am told the command is recognized, yet only get the audio response after around 10 seconds. The command itself happens when I say it though,. Any ideas on how to fix it?

  • #2
    1) Voice Attack settings: Have a look at the bottom of the window for that the recognised/unrecognised speech delays are. I *personally* have recognised speech delay set to 0, and Unrecognised set to 250 (its in ms, so 1000ms = 1 second of delay).

    2) Make sure that the voice pack is installed to a hard drive that is relatively well used. Although I don't keep VA and the voice packs on a 2nd hard drive, I do have a lot of other media on other hard drives. My PC likes spinning down the discs so that evne opening windows explorer to browse them can take 10 seconds for the disc to "wake up". This could *possibly* be another issue.

    But our voice packs are not set to have any delay in the running of the sound file back.
    1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
    2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
    3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
    4) Never tell Gangrel to do anything... he will probably get it wrong
    WARNING! Swedish wall-of-text hits you for bork-bork-bork damage!


    • #3
      Sorry for the late response. I was able to fix my problem! Somehow, having it on a raid0 SSD was making it all weird, when I tossed it on my small hard drive, it worked flawlessly!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Jello1000 View Post
        Sorry for the late response. I was able to fix my problem! Somehow, having it on a raid0 SSD was making it all weird, when I tossed it on my small hard drive, it worked flawlessly!
        Glad to hear that you have it solved.
        1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
        2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
        3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
        4) Never tell Gangrel to do anything... he will probably get it wrong
        WARNING! Swedish wall-of-text hits you for bork-bork-bork damage!

