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Updating to latest release

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  • Gangrel
    Be careful with that method. Some of the commands have had bugs which are not necessarily picked up unless you change your default bindings.

    The command clash works on the "spoken phrase" and not on the contents of the command. I know that in an upcoming release, we will be fixing some more bugs that were picked up that are across ALL commands.

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  • Arn1e2040
    Originally posted by Gangrel View Post

    Happy to help.

    At least you are not like me who has all the voice packs loaded, so even just a few customisations can take a long time to sort out. Thank god for the include option really.
    Heh, I'm in the same boat as you... I now have all 7 currently available, and have just not found the time to fiddle with Voice Attack yet!

    I do the same though; when I download the updated packs I change the old folder to contain the word 'old' and then install... once installed, I import the commands over the old ones. Voice Attack realises that there are duplicates and give me a line to text to click to remove the duplicate entries, so I only import any new commands... has worked for the wings updates...

    I think I'm gonna have to do some work on my profiles and post them for others to use too! be a better use of my time than just sitting watching videos and browsing reddit while idling in-game heh heh...

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  • Gangrel
    Originally posted by V1ad View Post
    thanks for the input guys, I've a list of my changes/additions and it will be easy enough to update them.
    Happy to help.

    At least you are not like me who has all the voice packs loaded, so even just a few customisations can take a long time to sort out. Thank god for the include option really.

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  • V1ad
    thanks for the input guys, I've a list of my changes/additions and it will be easy enough to update them.

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  • Gangrel
    Rega's method is valid, it will work for updates. I also just import the new commands when I update to a new version. This allows me to pick and choose, and it also highlights in red the commands that will be overwritten. It can help you see as to *WHY* a command gets overwritten.

    The downside to doing it the way in which Rega does it is that it will overwrite any fixes that we have made to any of the commands.

    For example:

    The ((balance power)) command works fine. The spoken command that calls this though has a spurious extra command included which stops it working for those who have changed their keybinding for this command. So the *spoken* command doesn't work as expected.

    So if you imported your extra command which is based upon this, it will be the "broken" version. And so the fix won't actually be working properly.

    What I do, is I write a list of what changes I have made in One Note and when a new version comes out, I just write them back in. Now for me that isn't a lot of commands,

    What you *could* do as well is take advantage of the "include commands from another profile" option that you can set in that profile. If you do as Rega says, and make up a "mini" profile of just your changes then this becomes easier to keep on top of

    When you open up the profile edit window, hit the tick mark next to the profile name box at the top left of the screen. Towards the bottom there is an option to "include commands from another profile". Select the profile that has all of your changes and they will be automatically included from now on. I do this for commands that I will be using across a wide range of profiles.

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  • ForumAdmin
    Only way i know to try keep your changes is to export the commands you have changed to a .VAP file and then once you have done the update. Import them back overwriting the old ones. This way it keeps the Phrases you have set. I find that once iv updated iv forgot to do this and have to go back through and redo some of mine! :-/

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  • V1ad
    started a topic Updating to latest release

    Updating to latest release

    I've done a bit of work on adding some of my own wording to commands, like 'stow weapons', 'lets go' and other phrasing that's more how I naturally speak. Is there a way to update without loosing my customisations ?

    I don't think there is, but wanted to check before i proceed.