I've tried to download the newest patch for ASTRA several times now. It'll just get about a quarter to halfway finished, then fail, saying network error. When I try to restart, it'll instantly fail again, this time saying Forbidden (in place of network error) As you can imagine this is immensely frustrating. Is this my internet as I think it is? Is it the fact that I'm using Chrome? Maybe something else. I'd really appreciate any help.
Edit: I've tried the download with an Ethernet cable. Still downloaded incredibly slowly, in fact slower than before. I've only just run out of downloads with these tests. The forbidden thing seemed to be unrelated as it was happening regardless of remaining downloads. I'm going to make a dropbox account and use that. Thanks for your help
Edit: I've tried the download with an Ethernet cable. Still downloaded incredibly slowly, in fact slower than before. I've only just run out of downloads with these tests. The forbidden thing seemed to be unrelated as it was happening regardless of remaining downloads. I'm going to make a dropbox account and use that. Thanks for your help
