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Custom Commands and how to add them!

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  • Custom Commands and how to add them!

    This is more for the *new* user of voice attack, rather than the experienced user, but I am sure that some of the following pointers will come in handy for you.

    This method will ensure[1] that your custom commands will stay during a pack update.

    1) Make a list of the commands that you want to add new triggers to. (This will come in handy later on )

    2) Create a new profile. This is easy, just press Alt+N, and the "Create a New profile" window will open up

    3) Type in your New Profile name. Make it something sensible/notable.

    4) You will see several buttons and icons. Don't worry, they won't bite you. Click the "New Command" button in the top right of the "New profile" window (this is also the same window as the "Edit profile" window.

    5) A new window will pop up.

    6) You have several options here.... so lets go for the simplest option: Adding a new trigger phrase.

    7) Make sure that "When I say" is ticked. In the text box (it has "New Command" in it), type in your new "trigger phrase". So for example "Make the Jump" if you want to add a new trigger phrase to jump between systems.

    8) Then, further down the same window: Click Other -> Voice Attack Action -> Execute Another Command

    9) The following box will appear

    10) Make sure that "Execute by name (advanced)" is ticked. In the text box that appears, type in the name of the command that you want to run. This will be the "When I say" command. So for example with "Docking speed;Safety dock;Slow for docking" you just need to put in "Docking Speed" "Safety Dock" "Slow for docking"

    If the command that you want to run is something like "[disable;enable;show;hide;toggle;] Orbit lines", then you will want to put in the specific variation that you are covering for.

    The ((0%)) in the "execute selected command" dropdown shown is just from my existing profile. If you have any commands in the profile, the first one in your profile would show up here.

    11) Click OK, Then OK,

    12) Repeat this for each command that you want to alter.

    13) Once you have finished adding new triggers, now you need to link this to your existing profile.

    14) Select the Voice Pack that you want to include these commands into.

    15) Go to the "Edit profile" screen of the Singularity profile, and next to the profile name you will see a tick mark. (On newer versions of voice attack, this has been replaced with an "options" button, but its still the same)

    Click it.

    16) On the "Profile Options tab", you will see the line "Include commands from another profile".

    17) Click the triple dots at the end and this window pops up:

    18) Click the plus symbol, and add the voice pack profile that you want to include commands from.

    Then just click "OK" all the way back to the base Voice Attack window.

    19) Now, to use the profile, you just need to set the Singularity profile as the active profile, and you will find that all of your existing commands will still work, whilst also retaining your new commands/triggers.

    Caveat: IF there is a command clash, then the active profile will take precedence over the "included" profile. So this means that if you have the same command *trigger* in both the custom profile, and the voice pack (Singularity/Event Horizon) profile, then the *voicepack* profile command will trigger. You might prefer to *reverse* the order of the "included commands from" (so that you include the custom commands profile *into* the main Voice Pack profile...).

    And if you want to upgrade the Voice Attack profile? Easy, just import the new updated VA profile into Voice Attack, and then go from Step 13 (and choose the new profile that you want to include).

    [1] In theory at least

    *EDIT* See Attached profile which has a couple of examples commands already setup.

    Use this as a base for your custom commands making if you so desire. If you are just adding in *new* voice triggers to existing commands, use the Voice Trigger Editor in the HCS Customiser to do so (To access the customiser, you can say "Protocol override customise my settings" or press LeftAlt+LeftShift+LeftCtrl+Enter ), then click "Voice Trigger Editor".
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Gangrel; 09 March 2017, 04:50 PM.
    1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
    2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
    3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
    4) Never tell Gangrel to do anything... he will probably get it wrong
    WARNING! Swedish wall-of-text hits you for bork-bork-bork damage!

  • #2
    This is good. Helps a lot. I did have the beta version, but it kept screaming at me that I had the beta version and things may not work so i got worried and went back to normal. I was going to question that here, but sometimes I get the feeling my posts bug you so didn`t bother.
    No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.


    • #3
      I am a new VA and HCS Singularity user and am trying to add some custom commands to suit my style of speech in Elite. For example, I do not want to say 'Boost Engines', I would prefer just to say 'Boost'.

      I have followed the guide above but when it comes to
      Step (7) Then, further down the same window: Click Other -> Voice Attack Action -> Execute Another Command)
      , the error below pops up.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	error.PNG
Views:	2713
Size:	3.3 KB
ID:	22811

      I can continue however, and, if I'm guessing correctly, this part
      Step (9) This will be the "When I say" command. So for example Docking speed;Safety dock;Slow for docking
      refers to the cheat sheet Spoken Commands that need to be pasted into the Execute by Name (Advanced) field? Is that right?
      Click image for larger version

Name:	boost.PNG
Views:	2739
Size:	26.4 KB
ID:	22812

      Either way, I can save a custom command but at
      Step (16) Click the plus symbol, and add the voice pack profile that you want to include commands from.
      , I can only choose 'Elite Singularity' as an option.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	custom.PNG
Views:	2743
Size:	17.9 KB
ID:	22813

      Then, after restarting Voice Attack, the new profile is loaded but the VoiceAttack window is full of errors..
      Click image for larger version

Name:	error2.PNG
Views:	2705
Size:	21.5 KB
ID:	22814

      Your help is much appreciated, I would love to understand what I am doing wrong so that I can create my own commands too.


      PS Voice Attack is running as Administrator
      Last edited by dark helix; 07 April 2018, 03:54 PM.


      • #4
        With singularity, because it has some start up commands, it needs to be the main/active profile
        1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
        2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
        3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
        4) Never tell Gangrel to do anything... he will probably get it wrong
        WARNING! Swedish wall-of-text hits you for bork-bork-bork damage!


        • #5
          Thank you. With trial and error, I figured this out late last night too and have been busy adding my own commands. Now I just need to learn how the booleans (?) work, so that I can use logical replies (on/off) on my commands too..


          • #6
            There seem to be a few issues with these instructions:

            [1] Many punctuation issues, which can be confusing. For example, the comma at the end of step 6: is something missing there?

            [2] There's more than one step 2, and more than one step 14.

            [3] In step 9, when selecting 'Execute Another Command' by name, what if the 'other' command you want to run doesn't have 'When I say' enabled? for example, '{{RS - Hardpoints Deploy}}' or '{{Hardpoints}}'.

            [4] The image after (the first) step 14 is incorrect. It should show the Edit Profile screen for the Singularity profile.

            [5] Step 17 seems to be wrong: I think you need to select the SINGULARITY profile as the active profile, not the custom one.


            • #7
              1+2) in process of fixing

              3) It still works.

              4) I just grabbed an image that was at hand to be honest, that showed what you were looking for. If you notice as well, this profile actually had no commands in it either.

              5) Corrected
              1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
              2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
              3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
              4) Never tell Gangrel to do anything... he will probably get it wrong
              WARNING! Swedish wall-of-text hits you for bork-bork-bork damage!


              • #8
                [3] The main problem is that I want to be able to copy the command to the clipboard, because typing it in could lead to typos. But I figured out that you can enable 'When I say', copy the command text, then just cancel out of the dialog.

                [4] It's potentially confusing. Anyone following the procedure might wonder if they're doing something wrong. It's better to have no image at all than the wrong one. In my opinion.


                • #9
                  OK so I'm getting the same error message as Dark Helix about having 2 full commmands available.

                  I've used the voice packs for a couple of years now and it appears there was a change, as I previously was able to select the optional commands from the drop down.

                  The instructions above no longer work - Any chance of getting an updated walk through?

                  Also Dark Helix mentions cut and pasting from a cheat sheet, surely we are not now having to cut these commands across? What is the new step by step process?
                  I'm keen to build up a solid command list for everything I find is missing.

                  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the voice packs, but get frustrated when I say hello and get no response. For an AI expereince, there should be a multitude of basic interaction commands that get a response. I intend to build all those in. I had built up a previous version to reply to almost anything you would say in normal conversation. However, lost that in an upgrade. At the moment, the only way I can, is to find the commend in the profile and add my trigger phrases to the triggers already there. These all get lost upon each upgrade as previously mentioned.

                  Alternately has anyone built an extensive custom list?


                  • #10
                    The method of adding custom commands has not changed. I infact changed some of the images show some of the UI changes where it mattered.
                    1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
                    2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
                    3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
                    4) Never tell Gangrel to do anything... he will probably get it wrong
                    WARNING! Swedish wall-of-text hits you for bork-bork-bork damage!


                    • #11
                      Hi Gangrel,
                      I want to create a profile of my own that utilises your plugin to read game/ship states such as 'normal space' and 'hcsHardpointsdDeployed' but I'm not 100% sure how and where the plugins are doing this, and what game variables are actually tracked (their names and corresponding ship system).. Is there a doc somewhere that covers this API?

                      Thanks and keep up the good work.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Wolfhammer View Post
                        Hi Gangrel,
                        I want to create a profile of my own that utilises your plugin to read game/ship states such as 'normal space' and 'hcsHardpointsdDeployed' but I'm not 100% sure how and where the plugins are doing this, and what game variables are actually tracked (their names and corresponding ship system).. Is there a doc somewhere that covers this API?

                        Thanks and keep up the good work.
                        No guide for the plugin unfortunately at the moment.
                        1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
                        2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
                        3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
                        4) Never tell Gangrel to do anything... he will probably get it wrong
                        WARNING! Swedish wall-of-text hits you for bork-bork-bork damage!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Gangrel View Post

                          No guide for the plugin unfortunately at the moment.
                          Ok thanks Gangrel.. Can you tell me the file the plugins are reading to determine states or are the plugins making API calls to the game servers???


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Wolfhammer View Post

                            Ok thanks Gangrel.. Can you tell me the file the plugins are reading to determine states or are the plugins making API calls to the game servers???
                            The same as the other apps, the journal and status.json
                            1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
                            2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
                            3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
                            4) Never tell Gangrel to do anything... he will probably get it wrong
                            WARNING! Swedish wall-of-text hits you for bork-bork-bork damage!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Gangrel View Post

                              The same as the other apps, the journal and status.json
                              Where is the Status.JSON kept please? Is this a persistent file or does it only exist when the game is running??
                              Last edited by Wolfhammer; 18 February 2019, 02:39 PM.

