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Integrating Personal Pack to Singularity ASTRA

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  • Integrating Personal Pack to Singularity ASTRA


    I just discovered HCS & voice attack last night and it is the most awesome, most immersive third party feature I've ever seen for a game...Completely love it! I quickly purchased the Astra personal pack and it was in my inbox 20 mins later

    After watching videos and doing some googling, I cannot figure out how to override the Singularity commands with the personal pack profile, since Singularity is locked for command editing?. For example "what is your name". I have already integrated the personal pack to the Singularity profile.

    Thank you so much!

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Singularity already has personal pack functionality but we changed the format of how it works. I'm just working on some files which will convert the old personal packs to the new format...a few days
    The Singularity profile - One profile to rule them all and at HCS we bound them

    You see, TheThingIs, eventually you'll be allright.


    • #3
      Its why I haven`t used it yet. The personal pack is too good to not use imho.

      By the way, you should consider doing HCS voice version of this for the new X4. It does some things right that Elite doesn`t (like spacelegs) and very immersive stations and ship building, spacewalks, etc. I`ve already got it working with X4 quite well, but properly made for it with evoking and all that would be even better!
      Last edited by Seafireliv; 08 January 2019, 10:17 AM.
      No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.

