Since adding plugins to the profile, the exact keybinds listed below are no longer required. The plugins read from Elite what you have actually set them to so it really doesn't matter what you have bound. The Singularity profile checks all the binds and will inform you if any are missing with details of exactly where they are in Elite.
VoiceAttack needs to press a keyboard key to execute the command. This means that all the commands we use need a keyboard key assigned to them. Elite allows 2 binds to be set to each command so if you are using a Joystick then you can set one of the binds to that and the other to a keyboard key which VA itself will press. If you are not pressing them yourself then it really doesn't matter what they are bound to, the plugins will read it in and use it.
The new Customiser has a keybind creator. What it will do is read in your binds and add any which are missing. It adds them using modifiers so that we have very little risk of adding 2 of the same bind in. Think of them as special keypresses just for VA to press. If a keyboard key is already bound then we leave it untouched. So for new users it is great as it's a quick way to make sure everything is working for the packs. The binds you want to press yourself still need to be done by you. The keybind creator is a beta feature so errors may occur and you will need to review what it creates and make changes as you see fit.
The following binds are suggestions based on Elite's default keyboard keys. You do not have to bind them as shown below, you can bind whatever you wish, as long as the command has a keyboard key assigned then everything will work.
[1] For automatic route plotting (ie to engineers) then you will need to rebind these commands to something else. SHIFT+Q, SHIFT+E are an example of suitable replacements for Q and E The rest can follow similar strcture
VoiceAttack needs to press a keyboard key to execute the command. This means that all the commands we use need a keyboard key assigned to them. Elite allows 2 binds to be set to each command so if you are using a Joystick then you can set one of the binds to that and the other to a keyboard key which VA itself will press. If you are not pressing them yourself then it really doesn't matter what they are bound to, the plugins will read it in and use it.
The new Customiser has a keybind creator. What it will do is read in your binds and add any which are missing. It adds them using modifiers so that we have very little risk of adding 2 of the same bind in. Think of them as special keypresses just for VA to press. If a keyboard key is already bound then we leave it untouched. So for new users it is great as it's a quick way to make sure everything is working for the packs. The binds you want to press yourself still need to be done by you. The keybind creator is a beta feature so errors may occur and you will need to review what it creates and make changes as you see fit.
The following binds are suggestions based on Elite's default keyboard keys. You do not have to bind them as shown below, you can bind whatever you wish, as long as the command has a keyboard key assigned then everything will work.
Category: Flight Thrust | Keybinds |
Thrust Left | Q |
Thrust Right | E |
Thrust Up | R |
Thrust Down | F |
Category: Flight Throttle | Keybinds |
Increase Throttle | W |
Decrease Throttle | S |
Set Speed to -100% | Numpad - |
Set Speed to -75% | Numpad 9 |
Set Speed to -50% | Numpad 8 |
Set Speed to -25% | Numpad 7 |
Set Speed to 0% | X |
Set Speed to 25% | Numpad 1 |
Set Speed to 50% | Numpad 2 |
Set Speed to 75% | Numpad 3 |
Set Speed to 100% | Numpad + |
Category: Flight Miscellaneous | Keybinds |
Toggle Flight Assist | Z |
Engine Boost | Tab |
Toggle Frame Shift Drive | J |
Supercruise | Numpad / |
Toggle Orbit Lines | = |
Category: Targeting | Keybinds |
Select Target Ahead | T |
Cycle Next Target | G |
Cycle Previous Ship | B |
Select Highest Threat | Y |
Cycle Next Hostile Target | H |
Cycle Previous Hostile Ship | N |
Select Wingman 1 | 8 |
Select Wingman 2 | 9 |
Select Wingman 3 | 0 |
Select Wingman's Target | Right CTRL |
Winman Nav-Lock | Right Shift |
Cycle Next Subsystem | I |
Cycle Previous Subsystem | K |
Target Next System In Route | M |
Category: Weapons | Keybinds |
Primary Fire | Space |
Secondary Fire | Left Shift+Space |
Cycle Next Fire Group | . > key ((period / Greater than)) |
Cycle Previous Fire Group | , < key ((comma / Less than)) |
Deploy Hardpoints | U |
Firing Deploys Hardpoints | On |
Category: Cooling | Keybinds |
Silent Running | Delete |
Deploy Heat Sink | V |
Category: Miscellaneous | Keybinds |
Ship Lights | Insert |
Increase Sensor Range | Page Up |
Decrease Sensor Range | Page Down |
Divert Power To Engines | Up Arrow |
Divert Power To Weapons | Right Arrow |
Divert Power To Systems | Left Arrow |
Balance Power Distribution | Down Arrow |
Reset HMD Orientation | F12 |
Cargo Scoop | Home |
Jettison All Cargo | End |
Landing Gear | L |
Microphone Mute | \ (Backslash) |
Use Shield Cell | # |
Use Chaff Launcher | C |
Classified Camera Toggle | F1 |
Category: Mode Switches | Keybinds |
UI Focus | Left Shift |
UI Focus Mode | Direction |
Target Panel | 1 |
Comms Panel | 2 |
Auto Focus On Text Input Field | Off |
Quick Comms | Enter |
Role Panel | 3 |
Systems Panel | 4 |
Open Galaxy Map | / (forward slash) |
Open System Map | ;: key (semi colon) |
Headlook | Mouse 3 |
Game Menu | P |
Category: Interface Mode | Keybinds |
UI Panel Up | W |
UI Panel Down | S |
UI Panel Left | A |
UI Panel Right | D |
UI Panel Select | Space |
UI Panel Back | Backspace |
Next Panel Tab | E |
Previous Panel Tab | Q |
Category: Galaxy Map | Keybinds |
Galaxy Cam Pitch Up | T[1] |
Galaxy Cam Pitch Down | G[1] |
Galaxy Cam Yaw Left | Q[1] |
Galaxy Cam Yaw Right | E[1] |
Galaxy Cam Translate Forward | W[1] |
Galaxy Cam Translate Backward | S[1] |
Galaxy Cam Translate Left | A[1] |
Galaxy Cam Translate Right | D[1] |
Galaxy Cam Translate Up | R[1] |
Galaxy Cam Translate Down | F[1] |
Galaxy Cam Zoom In | Z[1] |
Galaxy Cam Zoom Out | X[1] |
Category: Driving | Keybinds |
Drive Assist | Z |
Steering Left Button | A |
Steering Right Button | D |
Pitch Up Button | W |
Pitch Down Button | S |
Vertical Thrusters | Space |
SRV Primary Fire | Whatever you want |
SRV Secondary Fire | Whatever you want |
Handbrake | X |
Headlights | Insert |
Toggle SRV Turret | U |
Category: Driving Targetting | Keybinds |
Select Target Ahead | T |
Category: Drive Throttle | Keybinds |
Accelerate Button | E |
Decelerate Button | Q |
Category: Driving Miscellaneous | Keybinds |
Divert Power To Engines | Up Arrow |
Divert Power To Weapons | Right Arrow |
Divert Power To System | Left Arrow |
Balance Power Distribution | Down Arrow |
Cargo Scoop | Home |
Jettison All Cargo | End |
Recall/Dismiss Ship | Left Alt + X |
Classified Camera Toggle | F1 |
Category: Driving Mode Switches | Keybinds |
UI Focus | Left Shift |
Target Panel | 1 |
Comms Panel | 2 |
Quick Comms | Enter |
Role Panel | 3 |
Systems Panel | 4 |
Open Galaxy Map | / (forward slash) |
Open System Map | ;: key (semi colon) |
Headlook | Mouse 3 |
Fighter Orders | Keybinds |
Request Fighter Dock | Left Alt + R |
Defensive Behaviour | Left Alt + D |
Aggressive Behaviour | Left Alt + A |
Focus Target | Left Alt + T |
Hold Fire | Left Alt + H |
Hold Position | Left Alt + S |
Follow | Left Alt + F |
Category: Camera Suite | Keybinds |
Ship - Toggle Camera Suite | F1 |
SRV - Toggle Camera Suite | Left Alt + F1 |
Previous Camera | Left Alt + 1 |
Next Camera | Left Alt + 2 |
Enter Free Camera | Numpad 0 |
Camera - Cockpit Front | Numpad 1 |
Camera - Cockpit Back | Numpad 2 |
Camera - CMDR 1 | Numpad 3 |
Camera - CMDR 2 | Numpad 4 |
Camera - Co-Pilot 1 | Numpad 5 |
Camera - Co-Pilot 2 | Numpad 6 |
Camera - Front | Numpad 7 |
Camera - Back | Numpad 8 |
Camera - Low | Numpad 9 |
Category: Free Camera | Keybinds |
Toggle HUD | Left Ctrl |
Camera/Ship controls toggle | Numpad 0 |
Attach/Detach Camera | SPACE |