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Downloading ASTRA performed by Classified
Hi, I have just upgraded my PC and am having to reinstall everything, I can't use my original download because windows group policy is forbidding running...
Help,Educational commands say "Content coming soon"
All of a sudden after the recent update,anytime i try to ask education stuff from Orion or Astra it will be green and recognized but then a blue response...
What is the voice command for ASTRA to stop listening
I have tried to find the voice command for ASTRA to stop listening but can't find it in any manual or web page. Anyone?
Help getting back HCS Oculus Touch 3.0
So I have just come back from a hiatus from ED and just spent a fair while trying to set back up the Rift S. When I did it originally I had used the base...
Kres Iliad started a topic ASTRA using incorrect firegroup when commanded to use constant Pulse Wavein SupportASTRA using incorrect firegroup when commanded to use constant Pulse Wave
Hello! I noticed while I was mining, I told ASTRA to do constant Pulse Wave scans, and she began firing my limpets! Are these commands automatically set...
Z not working with ASTRA/Singularity
Hello HCS folks.
New user here. New to both VA and to HCS voicepacks, and not particularly technically adept.
I've downloaded...Last edited by Buck Starbuster; 23 July 2019, 04:45 PM.
Getting ASTRA to refer to me as Ma'am
So I don't much like that ASTRA refers to me as sir, and I see that there are alternative files for Ma'am in the pack. Is there an easy way to switch...
Yet another question about EDDI and ASTRA.
First of, sorry if this thread is in the wrong place.
Im using ASTRA and love it! I also want to use EDDI to add more immersion to the game....Last edited by lolrazz; 21 September 2018, 12:06 PM.
no sound but keybinds work
i have had several hours on this update and astra needs a spanking for absenteeism. keybinds work but she is not talking to me. is she mad?
Voice Pack issue
I'm am working on getting ASTRA to recognize my voice and accent and asked the following questions:
Question was
Why is it Classified?(in...
Eliminating nag on ship destruction
I do NOT need a prerecorded lecture when my ship gets blown up. I am, emphatically, NOT in the mood to be nagged by ASTRA. how do I delete this most...
Safety Jump works intermittently
5I too have experienced this Safety Jump intermittent issue!0%0Nope, Safety Jump always works for me - no problemo.20.00%1I have never use a Safety Jump.80.00%4"SAFETY JUMP"
This command tells ASTRA to jump to the next system and to zero out your thrusters before reaching the next star - thus...
3.0.3 Patch / Hyperspace Jump
So with the latest patch all my hyperspace jumps end at zero throttle unless I call out 100% while in hyperspace. So basically every jump command has...Last edited by Cmdr Good Death; 08 March 2018, 09:09 PM.
How to use Astra and Mars in singularity profile ???
First I would like to thank you for making such voice packs aviable for Elite. This is really use full and a great immersive experience with Elite....
A little addition to the personal pack for A.S.T.R.A.
In my endeavors to remove all mention of Astra and replace it with my custom name i found one command that didn't have a replacement. I think the addition...